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Effects detraining on KIF5B gene expression in sciatic nerve fiber of male Wistar rats

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Abdolreza Kazemi, Nilofar Shojaie* and Masoud Rahmati

Axonal transport is a vital process in nervous system that protects axons and nerve terminals through supplying proteins, lipids and mitochondria and clearing misfolded proteins to avoid toxicity. KIF5B is one of the proteins involved in fast anterograde axonal transport. As respects to prevalence of the axonal transport proteins impairment in neurodegenerative disease, the purpose of this study is investigation of effect of decreased activity and neuropathic pain on KIF1B gene expression in sciatic nerve fiber of male Wistar rats. Ten adult male wistar rats in the weight range of 220±30 gr randomly divided into two groups including healthy control, Decreased physical activity. In the end of protocol, change of KIF5B gene expression in sciatic nerve measured with Real time technique. After 6 weeks, KIF5B gene expression in sciatic nerve ligation group compared to controls increased significantly (P<0.05). It seems that neuropathic pain and decreased physical activity is associate with increased KIF5B gene expression in sciatic nerve fiber. According to the physiologic functions of KIF5B in neurons, this condition may cause functional disorders in the sciatic nerves.

The Impact of the Use of Green Spaces in Designing Residential Complex Public Spaces to Increment Social Interactions

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Mona Sadr*, FatemehZahra Taari, Mohsen Faizi and Seyed Bagher Hosseini

Human is created a social creature compelled to interact with other people to meet his physical and spiritual needs. In the past, individual social interaction took place at residence or among public spaces existing in between all homes and locations. Yet, contemporary by the existence of vertical connection among residential complexes during the recent century lack of space to interact is truly sensed; non-observance of this lack which is a basic human need i.e. interaction with others in addition to unstable and non-native architecture can cause irreparable damages on individual or society. In this research, it is endeavoured to investigate the role of public places in residential complexes and to increment social interaction by library method and in view of existing documents and in conclusion present solutions of interoperability of residential public spaces and consider the fact that the existing general spaces in between residential complexes that can cause interactions between human with nature and environment to establish interactions among residents which is reckoned features of sustainable and native architecture. In this paper, it is attempted to study the impact of using green spaces in designing communal spaces for residential collection and social interaction increment.

The Role of British Missionaries in the Rejection of Igbo Religion and Culture in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus

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Peiman Amanolahi Baharvand

European colonizers resorted to a widespread cultural hegemony to justify their lucrative presence in their colonies. They referred to their presence in the colonized countries as ‘‘the white man’s burden’’ aiming at civilizing the ‘‘barbarous’’ East. According to Edward Said, a large number of authors and propagandists contributed to the promulgation of the cultural policies of colonizers through depicting a distorted image of Eastern nations as uncivilized and primitive. They played a major role in the brainwashing of indigenous people into thinking that renunciation of native culture on favor of Western civilization is the key to happiness and dignity. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie concentrates in Purple Hibiscus on the role of British missionaries in the corroboration of Western cultural hegemony in Nigeria. British missionaries claimed that Igbo religion and cultural practices are immersed in paganism. Apart from the total rejection of Igbo culture and language, indigenous people are supposed to abjure their religion and convert to Christianity instead in order to escape eternal damnation in Hell.

Lipoblastic meningioma: Case Report and Literature Review

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Zahra Mardanshahi*, Mehdi Zolfagarkhani, Hadi Majidi, Elham-sadat Banimostafavi, Abdolmajid Gholinataj Jelodar, Sajjad Shafiee and Anahita Nosrati

We report a case of extra-axial liopoblastic meningioma that occurring in a 69-year-old woman. Presented case firstly examines by MRI and CT scan and was found to have an enhancing Right extra axial temporo-parietal mass. On MRI, the mass showed hyper-intensity on the T1 weighted images, hypo-intensity on fat suppressed T2 weighted images, indicating a mass consisting predominately of fatty tissue. A subsequent CT also showed the mass to be hypodense with Hounsfield units indicating fatty tissue. Then under a clinical diagnosis of meningioma, received in formalin was performed. Histologically, the tumor showed a meningothelial neoplasm composed of syncytial sheet of tumor cells with foci of cellular whorles. In addition, there was composed of hypercellular syncytial cells. Any atypical features such as necrosis, frequent mitotic figures or brain parenchymal invasion were not observed. We diagnosed this case as temproparietal Lipoblastic meningioma, WHO grade I and in this article we review of literature and references.

Anthropologic Study of Religious-Dramatic Ritual of Nakhl Gardani in Tileben Village

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Sepideh Hamidi* and Mohammad Aref

Since the recognition of religion's roots is less anthropologically considered, analyzed and interpreted by the researchers in the field of anthropology research, and on the other hand, entrance of industry and modernity in people's culture have concerned academic community and universities, the research has been collected by the goal of studying ritual of carrying symbolic coffin analysis and the signs of palm in the village of Tileben, Mazandaran province. In this regard, Bronislaw Malinowski theories of Functionalism, Clifford Geertz Interpretivism and Clarke Whistler diffusionism has been used. researchers has made an effort to fulfill the important issue of anthropology through interview, cooperative observance, the use of field study, document and research tools like image, movie and Walkman. Findings of the research indicate that palm is symbol of sacred thing. Belief in holiness of the coffin among Tileben people is a religious reason that they deserve Imam Hussein and they want their needs be fulfilled by God and religious readers, and many existing elements has symbolic aspect.

Psychological and Ethical Hedonism in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

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Atefe Karami Torkashvand* and Leila Baradaran Jamili

This paper investigates psychological and ethical hedonism in Oscar Wilde's (1854-1900) The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891), as an unsatisfying method of living. This philosophy has been recommended as the way of finding the best way to happiness and a good life. From the first day of the history of human’s existence to the present time, ‘pleasure’ has been one of the highest goals, and what has given form to human's behavior. Pleasure is the indispensable principle of the philosophy of Hedonism. Wilde was an intelligent Irish writer, poet, essayist, dandy, playwright, novelist, and epigrammatist. The Picture of Dorian Gray, as a dark, sardonic, gothic and supernatural novel, was the topic of much controversy at time. The novel is one of the best examples of hedonism which shows the start of seeking, and experiencing kinds of pleasure; moreover, it offers some outcomes of using it in the most artistic and aesthetic way. This paper will discuss the smooth transformation of the protagonist in details. Wilde designated hedonism in The Picture of Dorian Gray, by injecting the idea of seeking pleasure into the protagonist's mind and life. Dorian Gray follows hedonism and gives freedom to all his desires, and seeks any kind of pleasure. Accordingly the outcome of living a pleasure-based life would be the subject of considerable thinking and discussion.

Description influence process market on the political function of government in Iran in the last two decades

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Aysa Nekouei* and Abouzar Nekouei

Iran market as one of the effective strata the victory of Islamic Revolution Is raised. After the victory of Islamic revolution Due to Historical relations Clergymen and market Witness of political influence and economic Merchants In decision making Sections Different society. By raising this question that the market is in the process of decision-making Iranian political In the last two decades What Impact had This theory was tested that the market is in the process of government decision-making based on indicators such as payment or non-payment of taxes, The impact on the people's votes and comments through the members of cooperative companies and unions, and also supporting the candidates which are closer to the goals of marketers and have a closer relationship with them, , After the election of representatives to Parliament or the Council may process The decision of governments Have an important role to win the market. The aim of this research How Market impact on political decision-making and the use of market In political progress And for achieving To desired target Library of documents Used.